General conditions

• Generalities

The arrangements and organisation of the International Exhibition of Raw Materials for Perfumery (SIMPPAR) and, in particular, its opening dates, duration, location at which it will be held, opening and closing times, are determined by the organiser and may be changed at its initiative.


• Conditions of Participation

The organiser determines the categories of exhibitor and establishes the nomenclature for the products and/or services presented.

• Application Form

Any company wishing to exhibit must apply to the organiser in order to take part. Unless the organiser declines the application, submitting such an application amounts to a firm and irrevocable commitment to pay the whole of the price for renting the stand and related costs.

• Controlling admissions

The organiser is not bound to substantiate its decisions on applications to participate.

• Assignment

Subletting Unless the organiser gives prior written authorisation, no exhibitor may assign, sublet or share all or part of its concession within the confines of the exhibition hall, either free of charge or for payment.

• Withdrawal

In case of withdrawal or non-occupation of the stand for any reason whatsoever, the sums paid and/or remaining due, in part or in full, in respect of renting the stand, accrue to the organiser even in the event of re-letting to another exhibitor. 

In the case where an exhibitor does not occupy its stand at the opening of the exhibition for any reason whatsoever, he will be treated as having withdrawn. The organiser may then make free use of the defaulting exhibitor’s stand without the latter being able to claim either any refund or compensation, even if the stand is allocated to another exhibitor.

• Cancellation

- In case of cancellation by the exhibitor within 60 to 90 days before the opening date of the event, the stand will be refunded in full.?

- Within 30 to 60 days before the event, the stand will be refunded at 50%.?

- Within 30 days prior to the opening date, no refund will be possible


• Prices

The price of the stands is determined by the organiser and may be revised in case of any change in the factors which make it up, in particular in case of change in the price of materials, labour, transport and services together with tax and social provisions.

• Payment terms and conditions

Payment for rental of the stand and related costs is made at the instalment dates and according to the terms and conditions determined by the organiser and communicated to the exhibitor in the registration dossier

• Failure to pay

Should an exhibitor fail to pay by the due date in accordance with the terms and conditions of payment covered in the previous article, the organiser shall be authorised to apply the provisions of the article “Withdrawal”.


• Allocation of the booths

The organiser designs the plan and lay-out of the exhibition freely and decides the location of the stands, taking into account, as much as possible, exhibitors’ preferences and the date was of registration

• Lay-out and Decoration of the booth

The lay-out of the stands is designed in accordance with the general plan drawn up by the organiser. Each exhibitor is free to decorate their own stand and any special decoration is carried at their liability. Any decoration must comply with the safety regulations laid down by the public authority as well as with the general scheme of decoration and signage finalised by the organiser.

• Reinstatement

The organiser declines all liability relating to installations put up by exhibitors. Exhibitors take the locations on an “as is” basis and must restore it to the same condition. Any deterioration caused by an exhibitor or his installations, equipment/materials or merchandise is at the charge of that exhibitor.

• Set-up and Break-down

The organiser determines the schedule for setting up and installing the stands before the exhibition opens. It also determines the schedule for dismantling, removal of equipment, materials and products as well as the time limits for cleaning and tidying up after the exhibition. With regard to the particular question of dismantling, removal and restoration, the organiser may have any work not completed by the exhibitor within the allotted time carried out by a third party at the cost and liability of the exhibitor. Should an exhibitor fail to meet the deadline for occupying the sites, the organiser will be authorised to claim payment of penalty charges for delay and damages.


Image Rights and Photography Copyright

1. Image Rights
By participating in SIMPPAR, visitors, exhibitors, and speakers consent to having photographs and/or videos taken of them by the organizers or their service providers. These images may be used for promotional and informational purposes on various platforms such as:
- The organizer's and partners' websites
- Social media networks
- Communication materials (brochures, posters, etc.)
- Press releases and other media publications
If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please inform the photographer or the organization staff upon your arrival. We will do our best to honor your request, but please note that it may be difficult to guarantee complete exclusion.

2. Use and Ownership of Images
All photographs and videos taken by the organizer or their service providers during the event remain the exclusive property of the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to use them without financial compensation to any person appearing in these images.

3. Copyright

Photographs taken by visitors, exhibitors, or any other participants at the event are subject to copyright laws. Photographers retain the copyright to their images. However, by participating in the event, they consent to the organizer using these images for publications related to the event, provided that the photographers are credited whenever possible.

4. Restrictions and Exclusions
Visitors, exhibitors, and other participants are not allowed to sell or distribute photographs or videos of the event for commercial purposes without prior written permission from the organizer.

By accepting these general conditions, you acknowledge having read the provisions regarding image rights and copyright and agree to the terms outlined above.


• Organiser’s Insurance

The organiser has insurance both in its own name and in that of the exhibitors, providing cover for the pecuniary consequences of public liability incumbent on exhibitors in that capacity, arising from personal injury and property damage  caused to third parties in the whole of the exhibition premises, exhibitors being treated as third parties with regard to one another. The organiser declines all liability for any loss or damage, together with theft or disappearance of any item. Exhibitors undertake to waive all recourse against the exhibition organisers as well as against the other exhibitors.If any accident whatsoever were to occur in the exhibition (fire, explosion, water damage), likely to entail its closure, the exhibiting companies will have no recourse against the organiser, in particular insofar as concerns claims for indemnity or compensation for loss of revenue, commercial harm, etc.

• Exhibitors’ Insurance

It is obligatory for each exhibitor to hold an insurance policy providing cover against damage or harms caused to third parties, including the other exhibitors and for which it might be held personally liable, and for damage caused to equipment and the products they are exhibiting at the International Exhibition of Raw Materials for Perfumery. Proof of this insurance policy must be sent to the T.A/EVENTS no later than one month before the start of the exhibition. By express agreement, any exhibitor not holding an individual insurance is deprived of any recourse against the organiser.


• Security and safety

The exhibitor is bound to comply with the security and safety measures imposed by the judiciary or administrative authorities together with those taken by the organiser. The latter reserves the right to check compliance with these measures. Security surveillance is provided under the authority of the organiser: its decisions on the application of safety and security rules are immediately enforceable.


• Application of the By-laws

Any breach of the provisions of these By-laws and of the Internal Rules of Procedure laid down by the organiser may result in the offending exhibitor being excluded without formal prior notice. The same applies, in particular, to compliance with the layout, non-compliance with the safety and security rules, non-occupancy of the stand, presentation of items not complying with those listed in the application form.An indemnity is then due by the exhibitor by way of damages and compensation for the moral or material losses suffered by the event.

This indemnity is equivalent at least to the amount of the participation fee which remains owing to the organiser, without prejudice to any additional damages that might be claimed. In this connection, the  organiser has  a right of retention over the items exhibited and the movable or decorative elements belonging to the exhibitor.

• Changes to the By-laws

The organiser reserves the right to decide all matters not provided for in these by-laws and to introduce new provisions where and when that appears necessary.

• Disputes In the case of any dispute

the exhibitor undertakes to refer its grievance to the organiser before taking any proceedings. Any action brought before a period of 15 days from the date of this declaration has expired will, by formal agreement of the exhibitor, be inadmissible.In the event of any proceedings, the courts in which jurisdiction the organiser has its registered office shall be solely competent.